So i came across this Facebook add that advertised the lucky cactus app and then saw the $9.99 price, I thought to myself $10 for an app where all you do is tap a cactus XD
Well i said screw it and I just bought it. I knocked myself out tapping the thing for about 30 minutes. A week had passed and I tought this app is just a bunch of BS. But then that same day for some reason I finally had the courage to leave my abusive boyfriend of 2 years, and then a few hours later the guy that had been one of my best friends for a long time confesed his love to me -and asked me to be his gf, and the next day my mom paid me $500 she owed me and i had forgotten about. Also my now new boyfriend finally got a job after having applied at multiple places for 2 years and never got an answer back. Whether it was the lucky cactus or just destiny im the happiest person ever at the moment.
Valeeprincess about Lucky Cactus, v1